Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Feed the Birds

Today was a glorious and sunny winter day. First, we colored pictures of a red cardinal and glued bright red feathers on for a 3D effect. Then we headed outside with a jar of peanut butter, a bowl of birdseed, and a basket for collecting. We found a variety of acorns in all shapes and sizes and put them in our basket. Then, we found a nice sunny spot in the yard and got to work.

What are we going to do today?

Everybody grabbed a spoon and we covered our acorns with peanut butter, and then we smothered them with birdseed by dipping them in the bowl.

Covering the acorns with peanut butter.

Everyone waiting their turn to dip.

Spooning up some seeds.

Talking about which types of birds will visit our feeders.

Making sure there are lots of seeds.

Preparing to hang our creations.

Throwing the rest to the birds.

A red cardinal. A bird that may visit our feeders!